Not only do backup plans grant you piece of mind, they allow you to find previous versions of files in case you misplace, lose or unintentionally modify one. When people ask if they should have some sort of online backup plan for their devices, I respond with an emphatic yes. It’s similar to Microsoft’s recently announced On-Demand Files service in OneDrive, and lets you stream files you want to access that are stored in the cloud. Google says the June 28 update is primarily geared to consumers, and G Suite users will have access to a files on-demand feature in the near future called Drive File Stream. Microsoft OneDrive’s online storage gives you 1TB for $9 per month and syncs with all your machines, just like Google Drive.

It’s on par with Dropbox’s 1TB Plus plan for $13.99 per month, and better than Box’s Personal Pro plan that grants users only 100GB for $11 monthly.

Google’s current data storage plans include 1TB of storage for a reasonable $US9.99 ($13) per month.